What is a co-payment?
A co-payment is a set payment made at the time a service is received. Co-payments can vary greatly among insurance plans, so check with your provider to find out how much you may have to pay.
What is a deductible?
A deductible is the amount of money you must pay before the insurance company begins covering part or all of your medical expenses. Deductibles can vary greatly among insurance plans and types of service. Please check with your insurance company to find out if you have a deductible.
What is co-insurance?
Co-insurance is a set percentage of the insured's medical expenses that you may have after you reach your deductible. Co-insurance can vary greatly among insurance plans and types of service. Please check with your insurance company to find out if you have a co-insurance.
Will Masonicare bill my insurance?
Yes, all billable services provided to our residents/patients will be submitted to our contracted insurance carriers. It is important that you provide accurate and complete demographic and insurance information at the time of registration. Masonicare will submit bills to your insurance company and will do everything possible to process your claim. However, it may become necessary for you to contact your insurance company or supply additional information to expedite payment.
My insurance authorized services. Why are you billing me?
We remind patients that they are ultimately responsible for their bills. Insurance authorization is not a guarantee of payment. The explanation of benefits provided separately by your insurance company will detail the amount you owe to Masonicare.
How do I receive my security deposit?
Please contact our accounting department at 203-678-7889.
Does Masonicare accept payment plans?
Yes, Masonicare will work with you to establish a payment plan within a 12 month period.
Does Masonicare have a financial hardship policy?
Yes - Masonicare has a financial hardship policy for the ACUTE, GMP Hospital and Clinic only. Please refer to Hospital Care for Seniors for our policy, plain-language summary and application.