When Is the Right Time for Assisted Living?
It’s a tough question to answer. For many, a parent’s or other loved one’s mental and/or physical decline is gradual and, like everyone, seniors want to preserve their independence. Therefore, when deciding the right time to choose assisted living, there are many factors to consider.
From high in-home care costs to your own emotional stress, there are numerous situations in which assisted living may be the best option for you and your loved one; and they aren’t alone. Today, there are over 800,000 U.S. adults that reside in assisted living communities, according to the American Health Care Association and the National Center for Assisted Living.
If you’re considering assisted living, here are four situations in which that may be the best option…
Your loved ones’ care needs are too great for safe home care.
It’s natural that as seniors age, their physical health declines. However, how will you know when the time is right to talk to your loved one about assisted living?
A good way to determine this is their ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs). ADLs, such as mobility and hygiene, can often be a struggle for seniors. Nearly nine percent of adults between the ages of 75 and 84 need help with personal care, according to the CDC. If your parent is having a hard time accomplishing ADLs, it’s likely time to move to assisted living.
Home maintenance has become too much for them to handle.
Chores and upkeep around a home can be difficult to keep up with even for the most able of us. Still, if your loved one enjoys doing this kind of housework, some chores can become more difficult and stressful with age.
Additionally, some necessary repairs around a home can be expensive — and dangerous — such as electrical work and tasks involving ladders. If your loved one is having trouble maintaining their home, it may be the right time to move to assisted living.
In-home care costs are too high.
If your parent is struggling with accomplishing ADLs on his or her own, it may be necessary for you to hire a caregiver. Unfortunately, in-home caregivers can be prohibitive financially. In these situations, assisted living is usually the more affordable and best option.
Your own mental and physical health is suffering.
Many children find themselves as primary caregivers for their aging parents. As much as one may love their mother and father, caring for them over time can have a negative impact on your own physical and mental health.
Although, preserving your parent’s health should be the most important consideration when deciding when the right time is for assisted living, you also need to check in with and prioritize yourself at times. If you’re regularly having negative feelings towards your role as caregiver, or if your overall mental or physical health is declining, it may be time to talk to your mother or father about a move to assisted living.
Is it Time to Get Help?
Knowing when to make this big decision is difficult and different for everyone. Learn more about your options and decide the best fit for you or your loved ones’ care needs with this quick 4-5 minute survey. Start Now