Statement Regarding Supreme Court Decision

You may be aware that, last week, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a website designer could refuse to make wedding websites for same-sex couples. While this decision is seen by some as a victory for free speech advocates, including business owners who oppose same-sex marriage for religious reasons, others fear it paves the way for businesses to deny services to anyone whose values don’t align with their own.

The true impact of the Court’s decision may not be known for some time. But this can be said with certainty: in keeping with Masonicare’s CEO Pledge for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, we will NEVER deny anyone care or services – or be discriminatory in our hiring practices – on the basis of class, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, faith tradition, or any other dimension of diversity.

Respecting the uniqueness of each individual will always be central to our Ageless Commitment to Caring.