Helping You Understand the World of Senior Care Services

The challenges and complexities of a health and senior services system can add additional stress to patients, residents and their families. From understanding financial commitments, insurance coverage and transitions of care, to understanding where your loved one belongs in the array of health and wellness options, we are here to help. You don't have to go it alone.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Audrey Grove, Masonicare’s CareConnect Navigator, has dedicated her career to working with older Americans as they transition through retirement and senior living. She facilitates support groups that focus on support for Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care, and Long-Term Care Residents and their families. Audrey also coordinates a state-wide educational program for seniors and works with community partners to help craft better resources and opportunities for older Americans.

The program was designed specifically to support the fraternal family; however, like all Masonicare services the CareConnect Navigator program is open to all.

No. The program is complimentary and you will not be charged for using Navigator services.

From referrals and recommendations to education and support, the CareConnect Navigator is available to assist you with accessing the services, care and support you or your loved one needs.

No. We strongly promote freedom of choice. You will be given recommendations and options so you can make the most informed decision about where you receive services.

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Get In Touch with Masonicare

Finding the ideal senior and assisted living community to meet your needs can be a challenge. That’s why Masonicare will work with you to do the heavy lifting and make it a seamless transition. Get in touch today to learn about Masonicare’s continuum of care, living communities, rehabilitation, and health services.


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